Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Anticipation Brings Manifestation

As this country slips further into an economic recession, the Word of God becomes more clear and relevant for us today. In times like these, we press upon God to manifest His Word even the more. When we see God show up, we celebrate; conversely, when it appears as if He is not going to show up, we question. As a result, we begin to see manifestation as a stab-in-the-dark, not sure of what is going to happen when we pray, when we have faith, or when we believe.
However, manifestation is not some stab-in-the-dark. It is a reality that happens to those who have the kind of “anticipation that brings manifestation.” Anticipation is to “act on before,” that is, putting something into action before you see the manifestation of what you are believing God for. It is this “action in advance” that is key to manifestation.
When I have true anticipation, something inside of me (we call the Holy Ghost) rises, presses, pushes, and urges me to: act! Because I know that what God has promised will be, I can begin living that way. For example, if God promised me a promotion, I begin to reshape my entire life to welcome this promotion in my life before I get it. My attitude must adjust to this new promotion and lifestyle, my conduct must align, and everything around me must line-up with where I am headed. See, anticipation starts the process within you, so it manifest around you. Most people wait until they get the promotion to act. As the clique goes, “seeing is believing.” But in Biblical terminology, “doing is believing.” It is what I do that shows me what I believe! This process applies to every area of my life.
Child of God, it is time to act! It is time to start that business, enroll in college, apply for that promotion, new position, and new job. It is time to write that book, complete that training, invest in that property, and so much more. The time is NOW to invest in your abilities, gifts, talents, dreams, and goals!
The prophetic anointing of God is upon you TO ACT NOW!! What things are you about to put in action?
Post your comments on my Blog.

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